Nutrients are the building blocks for health, whether that's making sure your bones are strong or your heart is healthy, they are crucial to a long and healthy life. It can seem difficult to make sure your diet is loaded with enough nutrients to really feel the benefits but eating healthily has never been easier, and these powerful wholefoods are a great way to start improving the nutritional content of your cooking. Lentils Lentils should be a staple of any healthy diet, however their high protein and iron content make them particularly crucial to those on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Not only are lentils packed full of protein and vitamins, they are also high in fibre but low in fat and calories making them a great wholefood for those looking to manage their weight. As well as their health benefits lentils are an incredibly versatile legume, they are a widely used ingredient in Indian, Greek and Mediterranean cooking while also being a great meat substitute in plant based dishes. To prepare lentils, simply soak in water for 20 minutes, then boil them in fresh water for 10 minutes, before simmering them for 30 minutes. Quinoa Quinoa is perhaps one of the best known wholefoods in the world and with good reason. Despite technically being classed as seed, quinoa is a wholegrain that originates from the Andes Mountains, where it has been a staple of South American cuisine for the last 5000 years. Quinoa is a complete protein, which essentially means that one serving contains all 9 amino acids that humans can’t produce on their own. As well as being protein dense quinoa is a great source of iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and fibre. Because of its many incredible health benefits quinoa is a great addition to pretty much any diet, but in particular it is an easy way for those on a low gluten or vegan diet to make sure they get enough protein. Quinoa is best used as an alternative to rice or couscous, and it is incredibly easy to prepare, simply add quinoa to a pan with water, bring it to a boil and then simmer for around 15 minutes before draining, then fluff with a fork and enjoy. Chickpeas Chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) are one of the healthiest beans you can introduce into your diet. Originally from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, chickpeas are now a staple in cuisines all over the world, primarily for their versatility and significant nutritional content. Like most beans chickpeas are high in both fibre and protein, however uniquely they also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D and E as well as iron, zinc, potassium and calcium. Chickpeas have a wide range of uses, but they are especially important in making hummus and falafels, or as a meat substitute for those on a plant based diet. To prepare fresh chickpeas simply soak them overnight in water and then drain, rinse and boil for approximately 30 minutes. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are one of the healthiest seeds you can incorporate effortlessly into your diet. By eating them straight from the bag or sprinkling them straight into your cooking you can obtain a huge amount of nutrients and antioxidants from pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are high in fibre, which is great for boosting digestive health, but also rich in protein and vitamin E. As well as their high nutritional content pumpkin seeds contain a multitude of antioxidants to keep your body healthy. Pumpkin seeds also make for a perfect snack in between meals, as their fatty acids provide slow releasing energy to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Almonds Almonds are one of the most widely consumed nuts in the world, mainly due to their unique slightly sweet flavour and sheer number of uses, but they also have countless health benefits. Almonds have a very high concentration of fatty acids that are vital for promoting healthy skin and hair, as well as this almonds contain 2 nutrients crucial for brain health, Riboflavin and L Carnitine both of which can be very hard to obtain from other foods. Alongside their high fibre and protein content, the regular consumption of almonds has also been shown to help maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Organic Pitted Prunes Prunes are one of the best dried fruits in regard to their nutritional content, and if pitted are even easier to enjoy. Prunes are dried plums, and are best known for their benefits to digestive health, they have a subtle sweet taste and a slight chewy texture but their incredible nutritional content is often overlooked. Not only are prunes famously packed with fibre, they also have an abundance of vitamins and minerals including potassium, iron and vitamin K which is needed for blood clotting to help heal wounds. Golden Linseed/Flaxseed Flaxseed comes in two varieties, gold and brown and while they differ very little nutritionally golden flaxseed has a slightly more rich taste. Flaxseed is most commonly used in baking to bind ingredients as an egg alternative, it is also a superfood in its own right. High in wheat free fibre and protein, flaxseed is a great alternative for those trying to cut down on gluten. Flaxseed is also an amazing source of omega 3 fatty acids, including Alpha Linolenic Acid, which can otherwise be very hard to obtain for those on a vegetarian diet. Flaxseed can be sprinkled into both sweet and savoury dishes, or even mixed with water and enjoyed on their own. It is however important to note that as you increase your intake of flaxseed, you should also increase your water intake to around 8-10 cups per day. Oats Oats are naturally gluten free, high in fibre and protein, with an abundance of B vitamins and a slow releasing energy source, making them a truly one of a kind wholefood. The high amount of soluble and insoluble fibre in oats allows them to both lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Not only do oats contain vitamins B1 and 2, they also provide the hard to obtain beta-glucan which is amazing for heart health. Alongside the countless health benefits, oats also have a very low glycemic index and so their energy is released slowly throughout the day, which makes them very useful for managing appetite and assisting in weight loss. Oats are also very simple to prepare, simply add double the amount of water/cream to oats and cook for 8 minutes. These wholefoods are just some of the incredible ingredients you should be keeping in your pantry, and thousands more are waiting for you to discover. Whether you are using them to cook with or just as a healthy snack, it is never too late to make great long lasting changes to your diet and you’ll be feeling the difference in no time. All of these amazing nutritious foods have countless uses, perfect for aspiring chefs, bakers or those who just want to live a cleaner healthier life.