Wholesome Living

Wholesome Living magazine is your guide to a healthy whole foods lifestyle. Read about nutrition, natural foods, healthy cooking ingredients, herbs and spices, and the benefits of whole food plant-based diet for your body and mind. Get inspired by our delicious whole foods recipes and change the way you cook and eat at home. Delight in the goodness of real food and learn how to make better food choices to enjoy a longer life
Smart Snacking: 3 Healthy Snacks to Keep Around the House That Replace Unhealthy AlternativesSmart Snacking: 3 Healthy Snacks to Keep Around the House That Replace Unhealthy AlternativesBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 08/04/2020

While exercise is important, in order to maintain a healthy body watching what you eat is also imperative. One of the best ways to make sure you are eating the best food is to have healthy snack options in your home. Here are a few things that you can eat in place of your usual snacks, so you can maintain your health journey. Nuts Instead of Crackers While there are lots of different crackers that can actually be rather healthy such as wheat thins, consuming too many carbs can have a negative impact on your weight loss journey. However, by eating nuts such as almonds, sunflower seeds, et cetera, you can satisfy your craving while gaining extra vitamins and nutrients without the carbs. Eating nuts can keep your teeth healthy and strong. Almonds contain vitamin E as well as have empty calories which makes them great for your overall health in general. Blueberries Instead of a Cereal Bar Although cereal bars are considered healthy eating, many of them contain lots of calories and sugar. On the other hand, blueberries can be a great alternative as they do more than just help you lose weight . Blueberries contain potassium, vitamin C, and fibre which can help with lowering cholesterol which can help to prevent heart disease . Natural Fruit Juice Instead of Diet Soda Diet soda has been around for years and is one of the go-tos for many people who are looking to lose weight. However, unlike the name suggests, diet soda can actually be bad for your health as drinking soda can increase your risks of getting prostate cancer. Furthermore, not only can drinking soda, even diet soda, increase the possibil...

3 Natural Botanical Oils That Can Benefit Your Hair Health3 Natural Botanical Oils That Can Benefit Your Hair HealthBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 02/04/2020

Some of the major concerns that people have about their hair are dryness and flaking, hair loss and breakage, and dullness and unmanageability. Cultures have sought to use botanical oils to improve hair health from ancient times. Here are some natural oils that can address your specific concerns. Evening Primrose Oil Through benefits to the scalp, evening primrose oil (EPO) allows you to have more lustrous hair. Hydration and nutrients crucial to scalp health relieve itching and dandruff conditions associated with dryness and inflammation. The major nutritional value evening primrose oil has for the scalp is that it supplies essential fatty acids, which have antioxidant properties and address inflammatory issues in the body to promote stronger hair strands. Researchers suspect EPO can help you grow thicker hair by eliminating certain factors that cause it to fall out, like scratching, nutritional deficits, and damage from the sun or wind. Experts also believe that because EPO has phytoestrogens and shows promise in balancing hormones, it can decrease the hair loss that's secondary to menopause. Finally, according to Sara Gottfried MD , evening primrose oil may inhibit DHT, a major hormone implicated in female-pattern hair loss. Camellia Flower Oil Camellia flower oil has a delicate fragrance, but its effects on your hair can be dramatic. It contains over 80% omega-9 fatty acids, which are compatible with your skin and hair. Artego advises that camellia flower seeds from the tea plant are rich in Vitamins A, B, and E and prevents skin and hair aging and dehydration. Also chock full of plant collagens that provide omega-9 fatty acids, similar to olive oil and the natural oils in your body, camell...

Support Your Gut: What You Can Do to Ensure a Healthy TummySupport Your Gut: What You Can Do to Ensure a Healthy TummyBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 27/03/2020

More and more health professionals recognize the importance of the health of your gut to your overall health. Some have even suggested that the gut acts as a sort of "second brain" that communicates with the one in your head and influences everything else that goes on in your body. How can you make sure that your second brain stays healthy? Here are some tips. Eat Right One of the keys to maintaining a healthy GI system is to eat right, and that means choosing a diet that has a lot of fiber. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Soluble fiber is the type that dissolves in water, while insoluble fiber doesn't. Both are fermented by bacteria in the intestines. Insoluble fiber guards against constipation since it makes your bowel movements regular and helps the GI tract maintain a healthy pH level. Soluble fiber lowers bad cholesterol and regulates glucose. Other foods that contribute to a healthy tummy include yogurt that has probiotics . These are good kinds of yeast and bacteria. Pickled foods, such as kimchi or sauerkraut, also keep your gut healthy. Talk With Your Doctor About Stomach Problems If you have pain in your abdomen that doesn't seem to be going away no matter what you do or you suffer from constipation, diarrhea or both, don't hesitate to go to your doctor to see what's up. When it comes to the gut, serious problems and minor annoyances often share the same signs and symptoms. Also, keep in mind that untreated anxiety can cause gastrointestinal disorders . Exercise Among the many benefits of exercise is a healthier GI system. Not exercising leads to weight gain, and be...

How to Protect Your Child With Severe Food AllergiesHow to Protect Your Child With Severe Food AllergiesBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 24/03/2020

Food allergies have become commonplace. In the 1970s, you never heard of anyone being allergic to nuts. However, schools must be so careful these days because the number of students with a nut allergy is staggering. Gone are the days when peanut butter sandwiches and chili were on the menu. If you have a child that struggles with food sensitivities, then you must always be on guard. Watch for Signs and Symptoms Many people think that an anaphylactic shock is the only sign of a food allergy. However, it's not always such a dramatic display . Your child may break out in a rash if they encounter something that upsets their system. Another common sign of a food allergy is diarrhea and an upset stomach, and the biggest cause of this display is dairy products. Giving a child a glass of milk when they are allergic to it can cause severe stomach cramping and make them run to the bathroom. Airway constriction is the most significant problem, and it's the scariest of all symptoms. When your child's airway is cut off, then you must act quickly. A closed airway means little to no air is getting through. Time is of the essence in these situations. Be Prepared for an Emergency Going out to eat or to a party is just a couple of the little pleasures in life. However, when your child has food allergies, you can't be too careful. Even if there's no dairy or nuts in the food, preparing the food on a surface where those products are made can be dangerous. You should always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. There's nothing worse than seeing your child struggle to breathe. When going out, it’s a good idea to carry more than one EpiPen just to be safe. ...

Superfood Benefits That Help You Perform at Your BestSuperfood Benefits That Help You Perform at Your BestBy Lisa Sitwell - 13/03/2020

In today's increasingly health-focused culture, more and more people are turning to superfoods as the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Some of the most popular superfoods include berries, kale, sweet potatoes, salmon, and quinoa. A diet that is rich in superfoods provides a host of health benefits. Here are three of the most pronounced advantages of adopting a diet plan that incorporates superfoods so that you can perform at your best. Boosting Your Immune System One of the most widely known benefits of superfoods is their power to boost the immune system. You cannot perform your best if you are feeling sick and rundown. The exceptionally high level of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in many superfoods keep your immune system running at optimal performance. Good superfoods to consider adding to your diet to improve your immune system function include garlic, ginger, chia seeds, berries, matcha, and kale. By incorporating a wide variety of these foods, you will deliver your body the nutrients that it needs to fight off a myriad of illnesses so that you can continue to feel great. Serious Energy If you are struggling with energy levels, it is likely that you need to re-examine your dietary needs. Superfoods are a great source of natural energy, allowing you to get the boost that you need from Mother Nature as opposed to manufactured chemicals. Nutrient-dense superfoods give you vitality and energy that can help combat the effects of losing sleep. Because they are found naturally in nature, superfoods will also boost your energy levels without leaving you feeling jittery and anxious. Ward Off Long-Term Health Risks In addition to providing a boos...

How to Eat Pizza on a Vegan DietHow to Eat Pizza on a Vegan DietBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 08/02/2020

People choose to eat vegan for many reasons. It’s a healthy way of living that benefits the planet as well as our animal friends. However, those not well-versed in plant-based nutrition might think a vegan diet is boring and limiting. Thankfully, that’s not the case at all. There is a vegan-friendly version of every dish out there. Even vegan pizza exists. Once you have a vegan pizza crust, there are tons of toppings you can put on it to make a pizza that is delicious and very appealing. Here are a few ideas to get you started on your vegan pizza journey Using Sweet Potatoes The possibilities for pizza toppings are limited only by your imagination. Sweet potatoes are great sources of vitamin A and potassium . Surprisingly, due to their savoury and slightly sweet flavour, they also go great on pizza. Roast and sprinkle them onto your pizza for a unique taste. Don’t forget to add a pinch of garlic salt to amp up the flavour. Customizing an Ordered Pizza If you’re not in the mood to cook your own vegan pizza at home, you can always order out. Depending on where you live, most restaurants don’t have a vegan pie on their menu, but you can customize it yourself with a few of these tips. First, ask whether or not they carry an egg-free or dairy-free crust. Secondly, ask about their sauces—some may contain dairy. Next, ask to omit the cheese and meat and add your favourite vegetables. Using Beans & Salsa For a more protein-packed option, you can replace traditional toppings with beans and salsa . Beans are one of the healthiest superfoods out there. They are packed with loads of protein and fibre. They are also extremely filling and can make for a unique culinary experience. For a So...

Is a Barefoot Lifestyle Right for You?Is a Barefoot Lifestyle Right for You?By Admin Wholefood Earth - 21/01/2020

There is something refreshing about being barefoot. It's the connection between you and Mother Earth that makes you feel grounded. Many people love to feel the sand beneath their toes or walk across the grass in a meadow. While shoes are required in some situations, there is a barefoot movement that is encouraging freedom. Are you ready to toss your shoes and adapt to a barefoot lifestyle? Here are some things you should consider. The Benefits It’s often said that people feel a warm and tingling sensation when they are walking barefoot. The truth is that there is a charge that comes from the ground. Did you know that there are many health benefits to going shoeless? Research shows that kicking your shoe habit can boost your immune system. It can help relieve headaches, ease muscle tension, and even improve your blood pressure . If a person is sick and needs to kick their healing properties into overdrive, a barefoot stroll may help. Some doctors believe that part of the reason why modern life is so plagued with diseases, and such is that society has disconnected from the earth. The body gets a charge of electrons when it’s in sync with nature, and could this be the reason why so many people’s immune systems are out of control? It’s an interesting concept to consider. The Drawbacks While there are many advantages to being barefoot, there are also a few concerns. First, you can step on something that can pierce the skin. Any bacteria in the area can enter your body through that cut. You must always be careful of your surroundings when you are without shoes because glass and sharp objects are everywhere. Outside of wounds, another reason why society wears shoes is to support their muscles and tendons. The strong sup...

Your January Boost!Your January Boost!By Sasha Cort - 13/01/2020

Mid-January can make us feel all a bit lost, but it’s time to get back to routine! Now the festive period is done and dusted, it’s time to get back into the flow of things. Which might mean focusing on healthy eating, keeping active, reducing alcohol intake, embarking on your New Year’s Resolutions! All this in mind, we thought we would recommend our January Detox Range! Featuring: Clipper Teas – Detox/Nettle/Dandelion These Herbal Teas can be great for Bloating, Indigestion, Water Retention, Soothing for your tummy after an indulgent Christmas. 3 cups a day in between meals. https://wholefoodearth.com/pages/search-results-page?q=tea&page=2 Together Vitamin D –This Sunshine Vitamin is harder to come by at this time of year, so supplementing in the wintery months is vital. Vitamin D is amazing for your energy levels, bone health, low mood, teeth, hair, skin and nails. Overall Vitality and certainly puts a spring into your step! This product is Vegan Friendly too! (Please consult with your GP/Health Care Professional if unsure or on any Medication) https://wholefoodearth.com/products/together-health-vegan-vitamin-d3-food-supplement-30-capsules Willy’s Kombucha Kombucha is fabulous for your digestion. The Apple Cider Vinegar version is a power packed Detox Drink, rich in natural probiotics. Customers say they feel energised and invigorated with improved digestion. Also great for Colds, Sore Throats, Hair Skin and Nails, Tummy Upset and so much more! The Apple Cider Vinegar Edition comes in three flavours: Apple, Blackcurrant and Raspberry and Introducing Willy’s Ginger Beer – Alcohol Free! Ginger is great for Nausea,...

The Value of Having a Good Sleep RoutineThe Value of Having a Good Sleep RoutineBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 10/01/2020

Eating healthy food and staying active are good practices, but they aren't enough to keep you well. Without a solid sleep routine, you will suffer mentally and physically. There is a multitude of reasons to prioritize quality sleep. Keeping You Happy Without a quality sleep routine, you likely won't sleep well throughout the night. This can lead to mental health issues, like depression. Studies show that both children and adults who don't get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from depression . Having a sleep routine can help your body wind down before bed, so you don't toss and turn when you finally get between the sheets. Lower the lights, stay away from screens and find a way to unwind from stress before you try to rest. A warm bath can work. Meditation or yoga designed to relax you are also great ways to build a quality sleep routine. Keeping You Safe Your body and brain cannot function properly without sleep. Going through life drowsy isn't safe for you or anyone around you. Drowsy driving has been associated with risks just like drunk driving. The relationship between car accidents and hours slept has been studied and determined to be significant. You simply cannot overcome the effects of sleep deprivation by will. Getting quality rest is the only way to make sure your mind, body and emotions function properly to keep you safe. Simply being in bed is not the same as getting quality sleep. A sleep study can often reveal if you are truly sleeping well through the night or tossing and turning instead. Sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome often interrupt sleep for many people, but it's possible to suffer from these problems without knowing it. If you stay ...

A Word of Caution for Older People Wanting to DietA Word of Caution for Older People Wanting to DietBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 31/12/2019

A healthy diet is important at any age. As you age, your diet can become even more important as maturing bodies tend to put on a little weight. Dieting to lose weight is a little more complex for older adults, and special attention should be given to make sure your eating plan is adequate and healthy. Talk to Your Doctor Anyone should get medical advice when beginning a diet to shed pounds, but older adults, in particular, need to visit their physicians. In addition to some routine tests, a doctor can put the elderly person in touch with a nutritionist who can further guide the dieting process. A dietician can help to ensure that older clients are reaching daily minimum nutrition needs such as protein, vitamins, and calories. A good nutritionist can also help you avoid the common dangers of restricted diets. It is recommended that your meal plates look like rainbows with a variety of colourful fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and starches. While calorie needs may decrease as you age, the daily requirement for nutrients such as protein increases. The goal should be dropping pounds while hanging on to your vitality and health. Know When to Stop Working closely with a doctor and a dietician can help an older patient see when he or she might be carrying a weight-loss diet too far. If you notice any of the signs of malnutrition , you should temporarily stop. While the goal may be to drop a few pounds or to reduce your sodium and cholestero...

Foods That Act as Natural Blood ThinnersFoods That Act as Natural Blood ThinnersBy Wholefood Earth - 16/12/2019

Food is not just delicious, but it can also have a significant effect on your overall health. From weight gain to high blood pressure, making the wrong food choices can have dire consequences. However, there are also plenty of foods that actually have many health benefits and that can help heal your body as well. If you are suffering from clogged arteries are some other type of ailment, here are some foods that can help thin your blood . Turmeric According to Abels &amp; Annes , blood thinner medications such as Xarelto can have dangerous side effects. One of the worst side effects of taking drugs like this is that ending the treatment may result in even more blood clots than before. Thankfully, there are other choices that you can make that don't have any negative side effects and that are perfectly healthy as well as natural. Turmeric is an excellent spice to add to your pantry as it has many great benefits such as helping with skin discoloration and thinning out the blood. Because of the anticoagulant properties found in turmeric, taking just a dose of this spice each day can help to regulate the blood flow. Vitamin E When most people think of Vitamin E, they think of the skin, nails, and hair. However, Vitamin E isn't just good for your outer appearance; it has lots of health benefits, such as blood thinning. Foods that are packed with Vitamin E, like sunflower seeds , <a href="https://wholefoodearth.com/coll...

The Benefits of Organic Urban FarmingThe Benefits of Organic Urban FarmingBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 12/12/2019

Healthier eating, along with an overall healthier lifestyle, has become a topic of intense interest as incidences of diseases and conditions associated with sedentary lifestyles and poor diets continue to rise. Humans did not evolve to eat so much processed food, and scientists have come to understand better the harmful health effects of doing so. As an alternative to conventional American diets, many people who live in cities have turned to organic urban farming. As you'll learn in this article, urban farming does not just result in more wholesome dishes at the dinner table—the benefits extend well beyond the superior nutrition of the urban-farmed crops themselves. Increases Food Security The term “food desert” has become popularized in recent years to describe the unstable access to quality food that many people in cities experience. Often, city dwellers are unable to locate fresh produce and instead must rely on packaged food from convenience stores or fast food. This has huge health ramifications, including increasing obesity rates, lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and even vitamin and mineral deficiencies, in some cases. The health effects of living in a food desert are particularly dangerous for children. A community garden in which members grow their own organic crops is a great way to deliver clean, fresh food to communities starved for nutrition. Land Use Living in a concrete jungle can be challenging. The landscape of an inner-city is vastly different from what our ancestors evolved in, meaning that it is quite unnatural. A strategically placed urban organic garden can replace some of that natural feel that many cities lack. Additionally, organic farming offers environmental benefits. For example, manure as fertilizer results in increased carbon levels in the soil...

How to Be More Mindful of What You’re Putting Into Your BodyHow to Be More Mindful of What You’re Putting Into Your BodyBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 12/12/2019

If you’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle, it all starts with what you put in your mouth. Unfortunately, with today’s prevalence of heavily processed and packaged convenience foods, eating healthier can almost seem like a chore. Being mindful of what you eat is certainly less convenient than opting for processed convenience foods, but the health payoff is absolutely worth it. Curious about what you can do to start being more mindful about the food you consume? Take a look below for a few helpful tips. Check the Ingredients Label When you head to the supermarket to pick up groceries for the week, pay close attention to what you place in your cart. Rather than mindlessly tossing in packaged and processed foods, take a moment to read the ingredient labels before making your decision about what you will purchase. You may be surprised to learn that foods you once thought were healthy actually contain several ingredients that have no place in your body. It’s important to not only check the nutrition facts, but also read the ingredients list . Try not to buy food that has several ingredients and try to stay away from food with ingredients you can't pronounce. Ideally, you should stick to the outer perimeter of your local supermarket as that tends to be the area where the most healthful food items are displayed. Buy Locally or Grow Yourself When you consume conventionally grown produce, you also consume health-harming pesticides and other chemicals. Plus, conventional produce often travels halfway around the world before it reaches your local supermarket, meaning your food might be weeks old by the time you eat it. Rather than buying mass-produced fruits and vegetables, purchasing locall...

The Best Drinks to Wake You Up in the MorningThe Best Drinks to Wake You Up in the MorningBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 04/12/2019

The importance of breakfast is well-known, but not everyone has an appetite when the alarm clock goes off. However, it's good to put something into your body, and certain beverages can really help with alertness. These are some of the top drinks for starting your mornings off right. Coffee Nothing says "morning" like the smell of coffee. Not only is it full of caffeine, but it's also a very sophisticated beverage if done right. Instead of wasting money on substandard coffee from gas stations or fast food places, invest in good beans and quality equipment. According to Biarte , coffee beans that are washed during the process tend to be of higher quality. Whether you like the stronger taste of black coffee or prefer to add soy milk or sugar, coffee can be a bean-brewed delight of every morning. Yerba Mate If you don't care for coffee but still want a jolt in the morning, never forget that tea can be a great source of caffeine. According to Taragui , Yerba Mate, a South American herbal tea, offers several health benefits and has been gaining traction as an alternative to coffee. Stimulating, full of antioxidants, and with a distinct taste, Yerba Mate can take some getting used to, but adapting to the taste is part of the pleasure of drinking it. There are different ways to brew Yerba Mate, such as with tea bags and using tea leaves. Matcha Tea Another great tea to drink in the morning is matcha. A type of green tea, matcha also contains many antioxidants as well as caffeine. Its aroma and pleasing taste can help you to feel awake but also at ease when your day commences. If you have a weakness for soy or almond milk, you might add some to make your own matcha latte. Water <a h...

Why You Should Use Natural Cleaners Around Your HouseWhy You Should Use Natural Cleaners Around Your HouseBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 04/12/2019

Indoor cleaning products have long interested public health policymakers and medical researchers as sources of irritation and even disease. The most concerning ingredients in common cleaning products are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These are responsible for the most noticeable and drastic health effects caused by cleaning products, although they are not the only offending components. Products that can potentially harm you and your family include oven cleaners, air fresheners, detergents, dishwashing liquids, and polishes. In addition to wreaking havoc on health, these same products also degrade the environment and contribute to climate change and air pollution, two huge problems that you can help address by switching to natural alternatives. Here are a few more reasons why you should use natural cleaners around your house and ditch the chemicals. Harsh Chemicals Are Unhealthy The unnatural chemicals popular in conventional cleaning products can cause respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly. They can irritate the nose, throat, and eyes, and potentially cause cancer. Research continues into just how much these chemicals contribute to deadly diseases. Still, all the evidence so far confirms that they are definite contributors to health problems in people and pets. According to Diamond Injury Law , even household cleaners can lead to serious chemical burns. It’s possible that you could use these chemicals in your home and avoid any major health impacts, but why roll the dice when better alternatives are out there? They Smell Better What the human nose finds aromatic is a product of millions of years of evolution. It is natural to find natural smells pleasant and to avoid chemi...

How to Clean Your Drinking WaterHow to Clean Your Drinking WaterBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 20/11/2019

Some potable drinking water still contains contaminants such as chemicals that kill microbes and bacteria. These treatment chemicals may leave behind an unpleasant taste, and many people want to avoid extra exposure to cleansing agents. You may also be concerned about other types of undetected toxins in your water. However, water filtration and purification systems may be able to help you. Here are several common options that you may consider depending on your available resources. Carbon Filters Carbon filters clean contaminants from water such as chlorine by passing it through a bed of activated carbon. They also remove heavy metals such as lead, some pesticides, radon, and some bacteria. The bonus is they leave the minerals in the water that are healthy. According to Pure Water Systems , there are several different carbon filters available, including pitchers, under-the-sink filters, faucet mounts, and refrigerator filters. These filters produce fresh-tasting, chemical-free drinking water. It makes a huge difference in the taste of the water itself, as well as the beverages you make with it, such as coffee and tea. Boiling Boiling water is the time-tested way to make water safe to drink. It kills bacteria and other pathogens, but does not remove minerals. It does evaporate some chlorine and may improve the taste of the water. If you are at a lower elevation, to boil water until it is safe to drink requires a stove top or fire. After the water reaches a rolling boil, Boil Water Watch advi...

How Getting Enough Sleep Will Change Your MorningHow Getting Enough Sleep Will Change Your MorningBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 08/11/2019

Your body needs to get enough proper rest to perform its various functions all throughout the day. Chronic lack of sleep has been proven to be detrimental to your overall health and well-being. Everyone should strive to get more shut-eye. Here are some worthwhile benefits of better sleep. You’ll Have More Energy Getting enough restful sleep will give you more energy that your mind and body need for performing daily tasks. The majority of adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night, but everyone's optimal sleeping time cycles differ slightly. It is important to get the optimal amount and level of sleep for you each night. This can make sure you have enough energy to perform important tasks that require more mental sharpness like driving each day to work or to school. Some drivers are at a heightened risk of drowsy driving and should take extra care to get enough sleep. You’ll Find More Time to Get Things Done On those mornings that you wake up tired , it may seem to take you longer to complete your usual morning routines. Instead, you feel overly stressed and overwhelmed. In a panic, you tend to scramble around trying to get ready and out the door on time. In stark contrast, when you plan for and keep a sensible sleep schedule, you then wake up feeling rested, refreshed, and ready to start your day. By ensuring that your body gets the rest it sorely ne...

Eat Smart: Simple Ways You Make Healthier Food ChoicesEat Smart: Simple Ways You Make Healthier Food ChoicesBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 06/11/2019

Trying to make healthier food choices can be a real struggle. When store shelves are loaded with delicious, brightly packaged junk food, temptation can be overwhelming. If you’re looking for ways to overcome your junk food habit and finally start incorporating more healthy foods into your diet, take a peek below for a few valuable tips. Read Food Labels If you haven’t made a practice of reading nutrition facts and ingredient labels, now is the time to start. Before you toss any packaged foods into your grocery basket, make sure you thoroughly read the label on the side of the packaging. Even items that appear healthy often contain ingredients that aren’t good for your body. Sneaky marketing tactics on product packaging can easily convince you a product is healthy, but in reality, those products may contain preservatives, artificial flavours, sweeteners, binders and thickeners that don’t belong in your body. When reading the ingredients list, limit buying food items with more than five ingredients . Add More Fruits and Veggies One of the best ways to practice healthier eating habits is to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily meals. Fruits and vegetables contain healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre that nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive. One of the greatest perks of adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet is improved satiety. Because these natural foods are high in fibre, they take longer to digest, keeping you fuller l...

Dietary Supplements That Can Help You Sleep BetterDietary Supplements That Can Help You Sleep BetterBy Wholefood Earth - 31/10/2019

Not being able to get to sleep and stay asleep is a true nightmare. Regardless of the reason why sleep is eluding you, there are steps that you can take to get the rest you need. If drinking a warm glass of milk or reading a book is not doing the trick, consider looking into dietary supplements to help you get that much-needed rest. Here are four dietary supplements that you should consider if you want to sleep better at night. Chamomile Chamomile tea has been known as a natural sleep remedy for thousands of years, dating back to the times of ancient Egypt. According to Biostrap , the herb is known for its calming effects, helping the mind and the body to relax and drift off to dreamland. Because the tea is caffeine-free, it will not hinder sleep efforts. Creating a ritual with a nighttime cup of chamomile tea also helps to signal to the brain and the body that it is time to go to bed. Once you associate this nightly tea-drinking ritual with bedtime, you will be able to fall asleep easier because it is part of your routine. CBD As more people turn to CBD for a variety of health ailments, the cannabinoid is becoming more popular as a sleep aid. Studies have shown that the use of CBD often improves the symptoms of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD), helping sufferers to sleep more soundly. If you are taking CBD as a sleep aid, be sure to choose ...

What a load of Hemp!What a load of Hemp!By Sasha Cort - 11/10/2019

Hemp Seeds Have them Whole or Shelled, whichever you may prefer they are equally full of various nutrients! Rich in healthy essential fats such as Omega 3 &amp; 6, Protein and Minerals Did you know more than 25% of their calories are from quality plant protein! Source of Vitamin E, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron and Zinc Which in turn will benefit your Heart and Immune Systems, Skin Health, Aches and Pains, Creaky Joints! Also rich in Amino Acids such as Lysine, Arginine and Glutamine If you suffer with Coldsores then Hemp Seeds could certainly benefit you! Lysine helps the prevention and healing time for Coldsores, Hemp also contains Zinc which is great for skin healing and preventing scars. Glutamine and Arginine are good for recovery after exercise and digestion. The Whole Seeds are particularly rich in Fibre due to the shell. Which will aid digestion, slow release energy and may help balance your blood sugar levels. The Whole Seeds are great in salads, porridge, baking, quinoa, rice dishes! The Shelled Seeds are super yummy in smoothies, juices, porridge, cereals, museli, stirred into meals and so much more.   Available to purchase in store and online today!

9 Plants That Promote Personal Wellness9 Plants That Promote Personal WellnessBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 15/10/2019

Growing and maintaining both indoor and outdoor plants is a worthwhile activity that may provide a stress-relieving outlet and enjoyment. It forces you to take a moment and consider the needs of other living objects and also helps you get outside in the fresh air. Many plants are more than just decorative, offering various benefits when consumed or grown. Even if you don't have the outdoor space, or live in a less than sunny climate, improvements and developments in indoor grow lights can help you grow almost anything. Here are 9 plans that promote personal wellness that you can try growing in your home or apartment. Peppermint Peppermint is a popular herb that grows well in pots on patios or in the ground. Its leaves can be brewed in hot water and drank as a tea or used in a hot bath to help with respiratory discomfort. Another use for peppermint is its oil can be extracted to use in a variety of aromatherapy and flavoring applications that support the treatment of migraines, cramping, indigestion, and fatigue. Hemp Hemp plants are extracted to produce cannabidiol oil, otherwise known as CBD. This oil is used in topical applications such as lotions to help with pain relief and manage anxiety levels or regulate sleep. There are multiple versions of CBD oil and figuring out what is best for you can take some time and research. CBD oil used in vaping products may contain trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana. Elderberry Sambucus or elderberries are a type of shrub that is native to parts of North America and Europe. They can often be found ...

Get Your Heart Pumping: Different Cardio Workout Options and the Health Benefits They OfferGet Your Heart Pumping: Different Cardio Workout Options and the Health Benefits They OfferBy Admin Wholefood Earth - 10/10/2019

Are you looking for ways to improve your cardiovascular health? When it comes to cardio exercises, there is a seemingly endless list of choices. With so many workout options to choose from, finding the right one for your body may require a bit of trial and error. Fortunately, if you end up loving more than one, you can always rotate between workouts to avoid boredom and burnout! Below are three great cardio exercises you can try in order to kick off your search for your favourite heart-pounding, health-promoting workout. Jumping Rope Jumping rope is a fun way to add a little creativity to your cardio training! Because it requires minimal equipment, jumping rope is a great heart-pumping exercise if you’re short on space or if you travel extensively and can’t pack a ton of training gadgets. While jumping rope may not be appropriate for everyone, it offers the following tangible health benefits:  coordination improvement  strengthening of the muscles of the lower legs  improvement in muscle elasticity  strengthening of the heart  circulation improvement  If you’re new to jumping rope, you can begin by incorporating steady-state jumping into your workout. As you master the movement patterns and feel more comfortable using a jump rope, you can begin practicing <a href...

What to Know About Vegetable Oil AlternativesWhat to Know About Vegetable Oil AlternativesBy Wholefood Earth - 26/09/2019

Most people who use oil for cooking use vegetable oil. This oil is inexpensive and can be used over and over as long as it gets filtered. Other qualities that make vegetable oil popular is that it doesn’t have much of a taste and has a high smoking point, which means it can be heated to high temperatures before they begin to smoke and break down. But sometimes a cook wants different, more flavourful oils to liven up a meal. Here are three candidates: Coconut Oil Some people are wary of coconut oil because it is solid at room temperature. This is usually a sign of unhealthy saturated fats, but it does not apply to coconut oil. The fats in coconut oil can actually help the body burn fat. It is high in HDL or “good cholesterol,” which supports cardiovascular health. Coconut oil stimulates the thyroid which regulates your metabolism and increases your overall energy as well as improves gut health. It also has an edge over vegetable oil in that it can soften and hydrate the skin and hair. Avocado Oil Unlike vegetable oils, avocado oil has a delicious taste that makes it just right for salad dressings and mayonnaise. It is rich in oleic acid, which is heart healthy and reduces “bad,” or LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. This also contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system. Avocado oil is rich in lutein, which supports the health of the eyes and...

Top Tips for Staying Motivated to Stick with Your New Healthy LifestyleTop Tips for Staying Motivated to Stick with Your New Healthy LifestyleBy Wholefood Earth - 19/09/2019

When you choose to make a major lifestyle change in a healthy direction, sticking to it can be the hardest part. How do you stay motivated after the first few days when temptation calls and your original passion starts to fade? Try these tricks to stay on track. Give Yourself No Choice One way to make it very difficult to eat food you shouldn't is to make it unavailable. Don't bring junk food into your home. Instead, have healthy foods on hand . Pack your own lunch every day so you won't be tempted to buy a meal that doesn't meet your health guidelines. When you go out with friends, don't bring easy cash or a card to swipe so you won't grab a meal while out on the town. Meal planning and prep is also a time saver that gives you no excuses. Food is already waiting, so you have to make a very conscious decision to eat something you shouldn't. New habits are hard to form, but removing options makes it easier to stay the course since it also makes it more difficult to cheat. Involve Others Going solo when trying to live a healthy lifestyle is difficult. If no one else around you has the same goals, you can find yourself fighting temptation at every turn. Instead of trying to exist inside a healthy lifestyle bubble, involve others for both accountability and encouragement. Other people in your life likely want to make healthy changes, so let them know your goals and encourage them to set their own. Set up accountability check-ins, and plan meal prep times so you can help each other. You could do <a href="https://blog.wellable.co/wellness-challenges-employees-wont-hate" target="_blank...

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